“But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides.” ~ Matthew 6: 33 (AMP)
This scripture holds so much basic truth! Along life’s road, situations and circumstances no doubt become difficult and overwhelming. When we try to take care of them before really looking to the Lord first, we can really mess things up. It can cause more strife and fill us with anxiety. We need to stay on the road to peace. Everyone worries, but it’s what we do with that worry that makes the difference in the final outcome. We try and work it out, and wonder how we’ll pay that bill, but the Lord God has already given us the answer; “seek first his kingdom and righteousness”.
When we put his plan first, then all these things we worry about will be taken care of. This doesn’t mean that we can just sit back on the side of the road and close our eyes to the situation. In order to seek God’s way, which is perfect, then we must understand that it is important to surrender. Wave the white flag and layout our concern humbly at his feet. We must place them in his care and ask him to lead us. As we surrender then he can begin to put his perfect plan in place to meet your need. So how will God work it out? That’s where trust and walking by faith must be your focus now. Perhaps he will start to motivate you and put an idea in your mind. You’ll begin to take some steps in the right direction. As you do your part, he will lead you. In any case, there is always room for miraculous provision at the final hour. Never put God in a box. He is never too late and he can do anything to get you out of a “jam”. It doesn’t matter that we have messed up. It doesn’t matter how big the situation is. God always has a way to help us through. Even if we find ourselves suffering the consequences, there is always reconciliation, recovery, and healing, for the little and big things in life. God even knows before you ask. While you think you may have delayed God’s plan, he has already calculated the lost time into his perfect plan. It will come together in a divine way if you give it to him and put him first in the situation.
“Give them all, give them all to Jesus”… you may have heard that song? If you make the choice to put God first in everything, “seek first his kingdom and his righteousness”, his promises are true and he will always take care of you. This can be a short or long journey and so don’t forget to praise him along the way.
{"time":1654828467857,"blocks":[{"id":"pETGbpECZn","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"u201cBut seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides.u201d ~ Matthew 6: 33 (AMP)","alignment":"left"}},{"id":"N1m-ybeHvf","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"This scripture holds so much basic truth! Along lifeu2019s road, situations and circumstances no doubt become difficult and overwhelming. When we try to take care of them before really looking to the Lord first, we can really mess things up. It can cause more strife and fill us with anxiety. We need to stay on the road to peace. Everyone worries, but itu2019s what we do with that worry that makes the difference in the final outcome. We try and work it out, and wonder how weu2019ll pay that bill, but the Lord God has already given us the answer; u201cseek first his kingdom and righteousnessu201d.","alignment":"left"}},{"id":"jId4z40_bV","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"When we put his plan first, then all these things we worry about will be taken care of. This doesnu2019t mean that we can just sit back on the side of the road and close our eyes to the situation. In order to seek Godu2019s way, which is perfect, then we must understand that it is important to surrender. Wave the white flag and layout our concern humbly at his feet. We must place them in his care and ask him to lead us. As we surrender then he can begin to put his perfect plan in place to meet your need. So how will God work it out? Thatu2019s where trust and walking by faith must be your focus now. Perhaps he will start to motivate you and put an idea in your mind. Youu2019ll begin to take some steps in the right direction. As you do your part, he will lead you. In any case, there is always room for miraculous provision at the final hour. Never put God in a box. He is never too late and he can do anything to get you out of a u201cjamu201d. It doesnu2019t matter that we have messed up. It doesnu2019t matter how big the situation is. God always has a way to help us through. Even if we find ourselves suffering the consequences, there is always reconciliation, recovery, and healing, for the little and big things in life. God even knows before you ask. While you think you may have delayed Godu2019s plan, he has already calculated the lost time into his perfect plan. It will come together in a divine way if you give it to him and put him first in the situation. ","alignment":"left"}},{"id":"a04CNbsfR0","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"u201cGive them all, give them all to Jesusu201du2026 you may have heard that song? If you make the choice to put God first in everything, u201cseek first his kingdom and his righteousnessu201d, his promises are true and he will always take care of you. This can be a short or long journey and so donu2019t forget to praise him along the way.","alignment":"left"}}],"version":"2.24.3","base":{"title":"Journey to the Kingdom","subtitle":"","cover":"data/files/mathew6-33.jpg","publish_date":"20220610"}}