Rivers of Living Water

Rivers of Living Water

Friday, June 10, 2022



Rivers of Living Water


What does it mean to have rivers of living water flowing within you? In John 14:6 it says that Jesus is the truth, the life, and the way and no man can go to the Heavenly Father unless it’s through Jesus. The redemption Jesus brought us when he died on the cross and then rose to life from the grave, is also life for us. When we have the living water that Jesus offers, it means that our thirst for the things of this world is satisfied by the abundant life Jesus gives us. We no longer need the things of this world to bring us happiness. They are only temporary. His living water brings us peace, confidence, and strength when we are weak and joy in the midst of difficult times. We have kingdom benefits because we are Children of the Most High God (Romans 8:17). As a result, this living water flowing within us is also eternal. One day, we will finish our earthly journey and go to live with him forever. If you need this living water, the first thing you must do is ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins. No matter how dark they are, he will take them away. Then, invite him to live in you and through you and to walk with you daily. A relationship with him that grows to know him more is what keeps the living water flowing through you every day. He is the living water.

{"time":1654828602212,"blocks":[{"id":"8hoWXpTXw3","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"What does it mean to have rivers of living water flowing within you? In John 14:6 it says that Jesus is the truth, the life, and the way and no man can go to the Heavenly Father unless itu2019s through Jesus. The redemption Jesus brought us when he died on the cross and then rose to life from the grave, is also life for us. When we have the living water that Jesus offers, it means that our thirst for the things of this world is satisfied by the abundant life Jesus gives us. We no longer need the things of this world to bring us happiness. They are only temporary. His living water brings us peace, confidence, and strength when we are weak and joy in the midst of difficult times. We have kingdom benefits because we are Children of the Most High God (Romans 8:17). As a result, this living water flowing within us is also eternal. One day, we will finish our earthly journey and go to live with him forever. If you need this living water, the first thing you must do is ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins. No matter how dark they are, he will take them away. Then, invite him to live in you and through you and to walk with you daily. A relationship with him that grows to know him more is what keeps the living water flowing through you every day. He is the living water.","alignment":"left"}}],"version":"2.24.3","base":{"title":"Rivers of Living Water","subtitle":"","cover":"data/files/13392795_288477224836579_1801443508_n.jpg","publish_date":"20220610"}}
