Eve and Mary
This picture is an amazing depiction of Eve, the woman in the garden and Mary, the mother of Jesus. It originates from the Monastery Candy.

Eve and Mary are the two most well-known women in the Bible. They have never met, and they never existed at the same time. This picture depicts Eve’s countenance. Holding forbidden fruit in one hand, she is so downcast. This is the face of one who has the knowledge of sin and shame. She now realizes the consequences of the forbidden fruit, while the serpent is gripping her leg. She is held captive by her chains, like so many of us today. Mary is pictured here, pregnant with the son of God. She is comforting Eve, with such compassion. Mary's foot is pressed tightly on the serpent's head. She ensures Eve that her son will crush the serpent’s head as Genesis 3 prophesied. The little details of this image speak volumes about the hope that is to come. Mary comforts Eve with the knowledge that she carries the Deliverer and Redeemer for Eve and all mankind.
He is the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. His name is Jesus!
It’s amazing how Eve and Mary’s story are woven together from the very beginning. The birth of Christ is the beginning of redemption’s story, from the fall in the garden to the King of glory.
As you celebrate the birth of Christ, may you experience his redemption power, that sets the captive free, and his love that fills us every day forward. Your past is gone and redemption's story moves you on, from the chains that once bound you. The serpent's head is crushed! This is the very reason he came. Salvation is here!