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COMING SOON - The E-Release of "When God Sent a Dog:" Aug 1, 2023. SUBSCRIBE

When God Sent a Dog
Little did anyone know that the strong bond between him and his dog would rescue his soul, see answered prayer, and heal the hearts of those around him.
This is a true story of love, friendship, lies, deception, loss, reconciliation, and healing. A transforming story that will leave your heart full of light and love from above.
The story is released chapter by chapter each week, To read it for free each week, simply subscribe above to the newsletter. Each week, the newsletter will provide a link to a new chapter to touch your heart.
Books to feed your soul.

Wings to Victory
A Love Story of faith,, hope and healing beyond what the natural eye can see. Read more details below.

The Garden Window
An exhilarating story inspired by true events that takes a heavenly and life-changing twist.. .

Parousia The 2nd Coming
Watch the Book Trailer to hear more about this exciting study book of prophetic revelation.

PAROUSIA The 2nd Coming
Decoding Matthew 24 to Unlock the Mysteries of Revelation.
For centuries, the Book of Revelation has fascinated and confounded readers with its cryptic symbolism and enigmatic prophecies. But in "Parousia: The 2nd Coming," author Laurie Marks Vincent sheds new light on this important chapter of the Bible, Matthew 24. Drawing on careful scriptural analysis, and deep research, Laurie offers fresh and direct insight into Matthew 24 and defines its role in understanding the prophetic message of Revelation. By examining the words of Jesus, their context, and their connection to other prophetic scripture throughout the Bible, this book unlocks the essential understanding of end-time prophecy. "Parousia: The 2nd Coming" provides clear answers to some of the most pressing Biblical questions of the age.
In this fascinating and thought-provoking book, Laurie explores the meaning of the "one taken" and the "one left" in Matthew 24 as well as the Bride, the Rapture, and the Chosen. She also delves into events at the end of the age and other related questions. Whether you are a serious student of prophecy or simply curious about the future, "Parousia: The 2nd Coming" is an easy, must-read book that will challenge your thinking and deepen your understanding of the Bible. With its clear writing and insightful analysis, this little book is a valuable resource for anyone who wants a clearer understanding of Matthew 24, the time Jesus lived in, and its connection to the events in the book of Revelation.
In this fascinating and thought-provoking book, Laurie explores the meaning of the "one taken" and the "one left" in Matthew 24 as well as the Bride, the Rapture, and the Chosen. She also delves into events at the end of the age and other related questions. Whether you are a serious student of prophecy or simply curious about the future, "Parousia: The 2nd Coming" is an easy, must-read book that will challenge your thinking and deepen your understanding of the Bible. With its clear writing and insightful analysis, this little book is a valuable resource for anyone who wants a clearer understanding of Matthew 24, the time Jesus lived in, and its connection to the events in the book of Revelation.
View the Official Book Trailer Below

Wings to Victory
Wings To Victory: A Love Story of faith, hope and healing, beyond what the natural eye can see
The personal testimony of one woman as she struggled for 13 years with an ailment. This prompted a deep journey of faith, that resulted in miraculous healing and revealed so much more than the natural eye can see. The Lord healed Laurie of Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, and Depression in 2001. Although she has shared part of her story at appearances, never would she be able to highlight all the powerful events in her journey, that allowed her to receive healing from God. This book just does that! This is an incredible eye-opening story that reveals so many truths about our physical, emotional and spiritual journey. Laurie also shares the practical changes that she was led to make as she walked through this 13-year struggle with an unknown condition. Read how mysteries regarding faith and hope are unlocked to encourage her faith until she miraculously received a touch and healing from God. This is the “extended edition” with more memories and revelation for your own walk of faith..
Comments & Reviews
Laurie Mark Vincent has a very readable writing style that engages you and carries you along. Her healing miracle through great challenges is an inspiration to read about. Others will be inspired for breakthrough in their own lives.”
“Laurie, I am deeply touched by the story told in this book – and how gently you have shared a few powerful teachings that I am sure every generation will identify with and appreciate.”
Sammy O. Joseph, HarvestWays/ Sammy Joseph Ministries, England
“This triumphant, healing testimony leaves readers believing, declaring and singing, “God IS still able.”
Felecia B. Artis, Founder of Generational Blessings ELC, Author, Writer & Purpose Coach
“God has used Laurie to be an inspiration to me, personally, and to others who strive to get to the light at the end of the, seemingly, long tunnel. I give God the glory for allowing her the opportunity to share her journey of “Wings to Victory” with the rest of the world so that the world can see how God works when we continue to be faithful to Him and Him alone.”
Linda Mercer, Ministry Supporter

The Garden Window
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Comments & Reviews
"The story is an exhilarating. I cried many times through the story, realizing the Heavenly Father's love for me. It deepened my understanding and his love for me in so many ways."
Nelda, Ministry Supporter.
"Touched my heart deeply to read the story and walk through the Study lessons. The scriptures really affirm the message of this story and follow so well into the questions and additional devotional material."
Cyndi, Ministry Supporter
"Our small group of ladies, loved this book. The read was easy and so we could include young daughters and their mothers. Great discussion and encouragement was found among the ladies as we reviewed the scriptures included and asked ourselves the questions. The additional devotionals only deepened the discussion. Definitely recommended!"
Josephine M, Ladies Small Group, The House Church