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Faith-building, encouraging content. Subscribe to Laurie's Newsletter and discover the heart of the mission.
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Laurie's new blog is interactive, with video, updates, and new episodes of the Daily Bread & Jams show, and gives you a chance to connect and share.
When you visit her interactive blog community, you can receive "Instant Updates" and enjoy faith-building devotionals and new content.

Guest Appearance: "Own Your Grit" Podcast
What is the grit in your life? How did God help you through the grit? How did you find your grit? I never thought of it as "grit" but this has certainly put a new light on life's journey.
I was invited to share my story on Heidi's podcast "Own Your Grit".
Just click the image to the right to listen.
NEW! Free Downloads in August's Newsletter - View July's Newsletter

Laurie's new song, When I Called Your Name was finally released to Christian Radio in March 2024. It's been played on many Christian Radio stations across Canada and the United States. If you would like to hear Laurie's new song on your local Christian Radio station please contact us to let us know.
Please find Laurie's music on your favorite music platform and click "follow" so you can get the release of this new song and many others that will follow. May it be an incredible blessing to you. Thank you for your support.
Here are links to a few of them.
Subscribe to Laurie's NewsletterNew Free Downloads coming in August 2024
Refuge Ministries Canada
Join Refuge Ministries for a great evening of worship and Christian music.
I'll be ministering along with a great bunch of worship artists.
When: Friday, April 26th, 2024
Time: 7 pm
Where: Youth for Christ Centre,
254 Adelaide Street South,
London Ontario
Tickets: $20
Call: 519-701-0108

Thank you for your offering & your monthly Partnership.
Laurie's music is available on All music platforms online. Here are a few options for you.
Listen on Spotify
Click the follow button and choose your favorites. Add them to your playlist and enjoy!
Listen on YouTube
Laurie has a music channel on YouTube that is dedicated to her music. Choose which songs or select, "play all"
Listen on Apple Music
If you're an Apple fan, create your own station, and add Laurie's music to your customizable station, and enjoy!.
Ladies' Coffee Night
As part of the ministry of Women of Excellence, it will be an exciting opportunity for a special time of fellowship.
Join Women of Christian Faith in the community for a special time of fellowship, worship, and prayer, at the Royalview Cafe.
Hosted by Laurie Marks Vincent
Royalview Church, London Ontario
Friday, March 1st, 2024

Women of Excellence Rally
A wonderful evening, where women of Christian faith in the community can gather together. Be inspired in your faith, and walk with the Lord, praying for one another, sharing fellowship, and worshiping the Lord in unity.
Get more information about this wonderful event, with Benestelle as the special music guest and guest speaker and music with Laurie Marks Vincent. Worship will be led by Maggie Robichaud.
The theme is "The Heartbeat of God".
Hosted by Increasing Faith Fellowship in Woodstock Ontario.
Friday, February 23rd, 2024

Chasing Rainbows.
"Well, that's a wrap! Today, we taped our last show of the season. Chasing Rainbows on Eastlink Community TV. My lovely talented guest was Laurie Marks Vincent Faith influencer, singer-songwriter, and ministry leader. I look forward to working with Laurie in the next Chasing Rainbows book. God is so good. I have learned so much more in these interviews. And don't worry if you don't have Eastlink, I will have a link for all of you by the end of the month.". (Posted Feb 13, 2024)
Stepping in Faith with the New Video Studio
Working in the video studio tonight. Studio lights come on Saturday!!! Ooooh so excited to see where the Lord is taking this adventure.
The studio will be equipped with a space for guest interviews and a place to film music videos. We have a need of approximately $5000 to cover some new equipment costs to accommodate the studio.
You can partner in this Kingdom venture with a donation as you prayerfully consider the Lord's leading.
Benestelle Inspires.
It aired January 14, 2024 on KITV and features music by Benestelle as well as the interview with Laurie.
Benestelle and Laurie have connected in ministry on several levels in this interview.
Check out the interview and be INSPIRED!
The Faith Powerhouse. The Episode is located below. (Posted Feb 10, 24)
Who are "The Jones"?
There should never be any competition among the Body of Christ. No one has to prove that “they can do that too”. No one needs to feel less because they don’t do what someone else does. We certainly don’t have to feel as though we should be as talented, popular or “keep up with the Jones’” in any way. No one should feel left out when God opens a door for someone else that you’ve been waiting for. You must realize you are invaluable in the very place that God has placed you and it is the same for everyone else. It is important to know who you are in Christ. Envy and jealousy are a sign of insecurities but scripture tells us in James 3:16 that it’s more than that. Lift others and rejoice in their successes and victories. Do your assignment well and give glory to God. We are all on the same team. Each of us, are fulfilling our purpose, and contributing to the same commission around the world in God's Kingdom here on earth.
Posted Feb 7, 2024

Thank you for your offering & your monthly Partnership.
A Christmas Like No Other
A Christmas Devotional/Study by Laurie Marks Vincent
Her feet meandered down a dusty pathway in the village. The sun was warm against her face, as she felt a gentle kiss from the wind. She could hear the birds singing and her heart seemed to sing with them. It was a beautiful day for a walk through this village in Capernaum. As she looked down on the pathway, her feet were colored by the sand between her toes. Her robe hung just above her weathered sandals and her head covering was waving in the wind. She couldn’t help but sense there was something special in the air. As she walked, she could hear voices talking. The voices became clearer as she continued to walk. As she took each step, the voices were closer. It became apparent to her that some people were conversing outside one of the homes ahead. She continued her walk and tried very hard to simply keep walking as she drew closer to the voices. The moment she passed by; she could not help herself. She felt persuaded by a strong pull and was compelled to ...
Say thanks for this inspiring Christmas Devotional with a Year-End donation to support Laurie's ministry. Give Here

Happenings - December 2023
I like to keep these updates as brief as possible. They only need to be long enough to let you know what God is doing in the direct line of ministry here.
December 3rd feels like my husband and I walked through an immense door that God opened. Africa has always been in our hearts, yet we have never been there. My husband Scott particularly has always wanted to minister in Africa. However, it seems that Africa is connecting with us here in our home country of Canada. Through a connection here that is associated with a large Apostolic Church in Africa, I was invited to speak at their church in Africa, via Video-Tron ....AND so it happened! In the early hours of December 3rd, I shared a message called, "The Kingdom Lifestyle" by Video-Tron, to a crowd of over 1.2 million people across Africa, Europe, and the United States. The door is still wide open because they invited me back to share again. I will have some further updates on this later on, but there's still more that is connected to Africa.
On December 16th, I made a guest appearance on the program "Benestelle Inspires." She asked me to give two interviews for two different programs because there was so much to share. The program will air in the Spring of 2024, not only on YouTube, and streaming television, but also to millions who will watch it... guess where? Africa!
Whatever God is up to, these are the days to walk in your divine calling. Be encouraged that you can partner with us in whatever God has next.
December 3rd feels like my husband and I walked through an immense door that God opened. Africa has always been in our hearts, yet we have never been there. My husband Scott particularly has always wanted to minister in Africa. However, it seems that Africa is connecting with us here in our home country of Canada. Through a connection here that is associated with a large Apostolic Church in Africa, I was invited to speak at their church in Africa, via Video-Tron ....AND so it happened! In the early hours of December 3rd, I shared a message called, "The Kingdom Lifestyle" by Video-Tron, to a crowd of over 1.2 million people across Africa, Europe, and the United States. The door is still wide open because they invited me back to share again. I will have some further updates on this later on, but there's still more that is connected to Africa.
On December 16th, I made a guest appearance on the program "Benestelle Inspires." She asked me to give two interviews for two different programs because there was so much to share. The program will air in the Spring of 2024, not only on YouTube, and streaming television, but also to millions who will watch it... guess where? Africa!
Whatever God is up to, these are the days to walk in your divine calling. Be encouraged that you can partner with us in whatever God has next.

New! Song Release
TODAY is the Day that the Lord has made! YES! It's happening TODAY! You can find my new song on most online music platforms to listen to the song for free, or download it to your music collection.
I'm so excited to share this new song with you. I know that God opened the door to share it because, like many times before, it will be used for his glory. The song, When I Called Your Name" has already been sent to Canadian Christian Radio. We will be connecting with radio stations soon.
Please find me on your favorite music platform and click "follow" so you can get the release of this new song and many others that will follow. I pray it will be an incredible blessing to you.
Here are links to a few of them.

Happenings - Sunday November 19th
I ministered at Increasing Faith Fellowship in Woodstock Ontario during their Sunday morning service.
The worship was beautiful and anointed. The service was filled with God's presence. I shared a music package and then a message that the Lord had laid on my heart. The message was entitled, "Boldness in the Boat".
Later, I had several tell me that there was an anointing they saw in the Spirit, that encompassed me. I have been told this a number of times during prior ministry engagements. However, it is always a blessing every time to hear that the Holy Spirit was making himself very real during the time I am ministering.
Stay tuned, or subscribe to my newsletter because I'll be posting some video clips from my message at a later time.
The service was followed by a light lunch. I also received an invitation that day to speak to a large congregation in Nigeria Africa by Zoom on December 3rd, 2023. The internet makes it possible to be an international ministry but I praise God for the opportunity to serve and speak into the lives of others any way the Lord sees fit.
Happenings - November 18, 2023
This is Alan Campbell. One of the warriors that keeps on going. He is the Director and Founder of Refuge Ministries, a prison ministry that is there when the incarcerated are released from prison. Many have found Christ through this incredible ministry.
This weekend was their fundraiser that I had the privilege of singing at. Guest speaker was Phil Callaway from Laugh Again heard nationally on Christian radio. Hosted by Shawn from Faith FM and opened in prayer by Barry Slauenwhite, of the London Ministerial.
Alan was recently assigned Community Chaplin at the London Parole office. What many don’t know is that Alan found Christ through prison ministry which is why he is so passionate about this. A few years back Alan had a stroke that left him in a wheelchair. This has not held him back. It’s only pushed him forward. He is currently undergoing cancer treatment for cancer that developed on his nose.
He continues to passionately pursue what God wants for his life and Refuge Ministries. Please say a prayer for him and Refuge Ministries.
continued .... see below

Singing LIVE!
This was one of the very few "live" ministry engagements that I have accepted since Covid. I've had some unusual health problems that prevented me from following through, but recently, that has started to change.
In August '23 we sold our townhouse and went on a hunt for a new home. We also filled two recording studio sessions for two different songs that month. I was so blessed to receive a grant from a Christian Radio Station to record the song, "When I Call Your Name". I've heard a preview of what's to come, and I'm excited to release this song. Before the studio sessions, there was so much opposition. It was everything from 2-day infections, muscle spams that prevented my diaphragm from fully moving, illness, freak accidents, and rare stuff that never happened until I booked the studio date.
On the evening of Refuge Ministries' event, I had the privilege of singing a medley of hymns from my CD, as well as the title track, "Tell the Story", and debuted the brand new song, "When I Called Your Name". At the end of the night, it was certain that the Lord had prepared these songs to fit perfectly with the entire message for the evening. Praise God!

continued ...
Well, if you don’t recognize this face it’s the nationally known funny guy Phil Callaway, a Christian comedian/speaker heard on many Christian radio stations. He was the guest speaker at Refuge Ministries fundraiser where I was the guest music as well. It was a packed house and a very successful event. I just wish Phil had told me to make a funny face too. I would have joined right in.

The response was overwhelming. This shot was snapped at the end of the evening. I had been greeting people who came to chat and purchase my books and music, especially since I was ministering in my home city. It was so lovely to meet and connect with everyone. Truly a wonderful evening.
I can't express how honored and humbled I feel to be a part of this very special evening for Refuge Ministries.
Please visit the Music & Video links to learn more about all the items available at Laurie's ministry table.
Laurie would love to share her testimony or a timely message at your church or women's event.
Use the contact link to send an email
OR call the Ministry Office number 519-398-1555

Since my recovery, I am starting to accept some opportunities to minister again.
November 13 - pre-taping for the CharLee Simons Podcast
November 18 - I'm excited to be sharing a few songs at a fundraiser event for Refuge Prison Ministries. Phil Callaway is the featured guest speaker and I know you will enjoy him. He is internationally heard on Christian Radio and his comedy and messages are excellent. This event takes place on November 18th. Get your tickets soon.
November 19 - Speaking and Music at Increasing Faith Fellowship, Woodstock Ontario.
December 16 - Pre-taped Television Interview
December 16 - Pre-taped Television Interview
Subscribe to Laurie's Newsletter
Faith-building, encouraging content. Subscribe to Laurie's Newsletter and discover the heart of the mission.
Receive updates, free downloads, video content to view and so much more.. SUBSCRIBE

New! Song Release
I'm so excited to share this new song with you. I know that God opened the door to share it because like many times before, it will be used for his glory. The song, When I Called Your Name" has already been released to Canadian Christian Radio. It will be released to all music platforms online, this November 24, 2023.
Please find me on your favourite music platform and follow me so you can get the release of this new song. I pray it will be an incredible blessing to you.
Here s a link to a few of them.
New! Devotional A Word of Encouragement
I have come to give you life and life more abundant. John 10:10.
Many refer to this scripture stating that Jesus is referring to eternal life with salvation in this scripture. Let’s not miss the first part of this verse that is .....
Many refer to this scripture stating that Jesus is referring to eternal life with salvation in this scripture. Let’s not miss the first part of this verse that is .....

New! Song Release
What an amazing door God has provided. Thanks to a special grant, I was given the opportunity to professionally record one of my songs, A brand new song was recorded, "When I Called Your Name", in August 2023. This past Monday, November 6th, it was released to all Canadian Christian Radio. Call your Canadian Christian Radio Station and ask them to check out Laurie Marks Vincent's new song, When I Called Your Name.
New! T-shirt Designs by Laurie
Wear your faith, Tastefully designed in several colors, styles, and messages for men and women. She's always creating a new design, Take a look at what's available right now.
Proceeds go to various ministry projects
New! Helping Believers Prosper
More than a SIDE HUSTLE? In these times of economic shift, Laurie was praying for an opportunity that would be a blessing to everyone. A divine appointment caused her to connect with several people. A few of those people are introduced in this video. No, it's not a potion or a lotion. It's like nothing you have ever heard of. The video is an online information meeting that was done on Facebook, where all the people involved are Christians. The two men who started this company are also strong believers in Christ. Discover great possibilities.
[Sorry, Open to U.S citizens only]

Saved from the Wreckage
It's so amazing to see God move in the lives of others, There are so many needs to be filled, but we can do it together. Read the short little story of how two little boys were saved from the wreckage, a community that pulled together, and how God had a hand in it.
New! The Sanctuary Project.
Go to the music page to discover the newest worship song, "Sweetest Name I Know." Download your own personal copy to use during the quiet times with the Lord.

The Helping Hand Project.
The Blessing Fund is a department of our ministry that reaches people who have needs and special circumstances. We're preparing for the Thanksgiving and Christmas season now. How wonderful it would be to partner with God on this special mission. Please visit the link below for more information.

NEW!When God Sent A Dog
Discover this delightful and heartfelt true story. It's an E-Book Release and available for FREE. A new chapter is released each week.
Subscribe to Laurie's Newsletter
Faith-building, encouraging content. Subscribe to Laurie's Newsletter and discover the heart of the mission.
Receive updates, free downloads, video content to view and so much more.. SUBSCRIBE
Devotional: Can Jesus Use Your Boat?
Discover the challenge presented in Luke 5 when Jesus used Peter's boat.

PAROUSIA The 2nd Coming
Discover some of the most insightful, thought-provoking points that connect the dots between Matthew 24, the other Olivet Discourse chapters, and the book of Revelation.
Laurie's new book is a result of decades of research, unraveling the culture, the original scripture manuscripts, and the events that connect together, that clarify the epic symbolism of prophetic scripture.
It will help you to pinpoint the times and seasons and discern where we are right now in this very season. PAROUSIA The 2nd Coming will contend with the heart of the matter as well
Definitely, a quick read but it's a mighty little book, packed full of a lot of information to digest.
It's ON SALE, 50% OFF until Sept 1st, 2023
SUBSCRIBE to Laurie's Newsletter to become a part of a Zoom Discussion on the subject in the future.
Available for purchase on many online platforms -- SEE BELOW

Get Your Copy!
Just visit your favorite online book platform and search her name, "Laurie Marks Vincent"

The Easy Yoke
Are you finding it hard to face the circumstances in life at this moment? Are you weary or don't know how you're going to get through day by day?
Discover why Jesus tells us to take his yoke because his burden is easy and light.

Easter Devotional
An inspiring devotional during this Easter Season.
Have you moved? What can be shaken?
Discover the glue that brings value to relationships and how it relates to what Jesus has done for us on the cross.

The Blessing Fund
This is a department of our ministry. Pop over to The Blessing Fund to read about some recent Blessings and the way God is moving in the hearts of people.
New! A Christmas Devotional
Discover the profound connection between two women in two different Biblical times. Where sin and redemption meet.

Every once in a while, I have a conversation with someone who says, "I wish I could do what you're doing. I would love to travel and speak at churches, share my music or write a book"." The part that is painstaking is when I have to tell them that they can't . . . because they don't know the sacrifices and what culminated to bring me to this place. No two journeys are alike but God has a specific purpose and plan for each of us. The beautiful part is that we can relate to one another in so many ways. So, I packed some lessons learned in the Word of God from my journey, into a two-part devotional. I pray it brings insight and encouragement for your personal journey.
Part 1 and Part 2
To my surprise, all updates from June to October on the website have disappeared when there was a software update on my website. Well! No worries. We'll just spend some time catching up. We're working on the LMV Ministry App for Apple and Android, Currently, the LMV Ministry App is ready for Android users. When you download the app, you get direct updates, devotionals, free downloads and Christian Resources.
Go to the Google Playstore and search "LMV ministry". Download it and check for updates.
Watch for more updates coming soon

When you write your first book there's so much to learn. All Laurie knew is that she had to write the story on paper. The original has been revised with several new chapters, more detail and insight that completes a full picture of the journey.
Laurie unlocks faith principles that were like supernatural mysteries and walks the reader through some valuable lessons that led up to the pivoting moment when she received a miraculous healing from the Lord, free from Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue and Depression..

On August 13, (2022) we filmed the scenes for the Passion Project. Justin Baker plays the role of Jesus. Dena Baker (wife-pictured left) also is involved in the video as well. Her make-up skills for the crucifixion scene were also amazing. Several others joined the cast, and filming lasted from 1 pm to 8 pm that day. The day was perfect for filming and editing now begins. The short-film/music video features a new song, yet unreleased, written and performed by Laurie entitled, "Come to the Cross". The production is expected to eventually be translated into a number of different languages and used as an evangelism tool to share the Gospel. A release date will be announced late 2022.. closer to the completion of the project.

Increasing Faith Fellowship
Laurie will be ministering in the Sunday Morning Service at Increasing Faith Fellowship, She is the guest speaker and music for the service. A video of her message will be posted later.
50 Finkle Street, Woodstock Ontario Canada.

Laurie was a guest on GMI hub (Youtube). She gave a profound message about 3 ways to invest in your calling. Especially for those who are called to minister through the arts, however, no matter how God has called you to serve, these are three principles that you can't ignore.

We are in the beginning stages to prepare for the filming of The Passion Project.
This is the 7-week mark since Laurie's surgery and recovery has been consistent, and better every day. She is still in physiotherapy but progressing so quickly, that she is ahead of the average recovery schedule. We praise God for quick healing and recovery.
Her show Grace Talk was put on hold during this season of recovery but editing and production will begin soon so that the first season will be airing in August 2022.

River of Life Church
Laurie will be ministering at the 9 am and 11 am service, at River of Life Church, June 12, 2022 in Midland Ontario, Canada
June 12/22 - Booked for a live appearance at River of Life Church, Midland Ontario

Spring 2020- Pre-Covid Newletter
In November 2019, I was invited to minister at a conference in Texas. Sharing music and three messages during the conference, there was a very strong presence of the Holy Spirit from the beginning. Starting with a message about seeking the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives, it was clear throughout the entire conference that his presence became more intense. Snippets of the messages will be posted online later. We will be sure to let you know. We also thoroughly enjoyed their heart to worship the Lord, great Texas food and warm hospitality.
Ronald Kezimbira Kyobe, Director of The Ushindi Africa Children’s Choir and Foundation was in contact with the ministry, asking permission to record Laurie’s song, Healing Waters Flow. She was expected to join them on tour in 2020. The tour has been postponed until the pandemic is over, but the recording is expected to go forward. Please keep them in prayer as they press forward with God’s calling for the Ushindi Africa Children’s Choir.
The Blessing Fund ( a department of this ministry) has been able to help a number of people that have had special needs in difficult circumstances. Although we don’t talk about it much, this is a division of the ministry that we have been doing for more than 2 years now. We have an opportunity to reach individuals and minister the love of Jesus. It’s been such a blessing to be a blessing, and we are so grateful for our partners with The Blessing Fund.
Among a number of needs, we were able to help an elderly lady afford the proper shoes she needed. Her ankles had collapsed and she could no longer walk any more than a few steps with pain. I went with her to her appointment when her specially fitted pair of custom orthotics were ready for her. The first time she slipped her feet into her new Summer sandals, she stood up and began to cry with joy and relief. She said it was the first time she hadn’t felt any pain standing up in such a long time. You can see the difference between the two pictures.
The first one shows her ankles leaning inward and the front of her foot laying flat to the outside. The second picture shows her foot aligned with her ankle.

This shows her ankles leaning inward and the front of her foot laying flat to the outside, without wearing custom support orthotics made especially for her needs.

This shows how the custom designed orthotics align her ankle and and foot in the proper posture.

The Blessing Fund
Many of the crisis situations that we encounter are urgent needs and require having funds readily available. We have a very small monthly reserve that we can work with and when we don’t have it, we do try to raise funds quickly, however, this makes us limited to what we can do efficiently. This is a “home-mission” cause. God has done so much with so little invested. Please help us with a small monthly contribution. Your gift is tax-deductible. Visit The Blessing Fund Website to discover more

Thinking of You
Since social distancing started, of course, it has brought all public ministry to a complete stop. We don’t know when we’ll be free to book ministry engagements again, but we will be planning some online ministry events in the coming weeks. You’ll be receiving notices about these online events soon.
.All Proceeds 100% go to Ministry Projects to further the Gospel and continue ministering to hearts through music and media.
We have also created some videos to minister to your soul during this time. It’s a series of new videos called, Songs from the Sanctuary. I pray that they will be a blessing to you. More videos for this series will be released soon .Watch Videos
.All Proceeds 100% go to Ministry Projects to further the Gospel and continue ministering to hearts through music and media.
Your gifts are tax-deductible